On April-6 the Hands 4 Zero Poverty (H4ZP) completed another successful food distribution campaign. Fifty families living in the slums of India received food supplies to last for several weeks. Once again we were able put smiles on people's faces. Today's food campaign was funded by Jess Powley and her family. Jess was a volunteer in India who has returned to continue helping those in need. People like Jess and her family continue to drive the Hands 4 Zero Poverty team forward on the quest of eradicating poverty and helping those in need.
You can join Jess Powley and her family and Hands 4 Zero Poverty team on the effort to help those in need. More and more campaigns are possible with your support. Together we can make a big difference in this world.
Reach us at info@h4zp.org if you have questions or would like help with a project.
To view additional photos of the event please visit H4ZP Google Photos