On December 29 Hands 4 Zero Poverty (H4ZP) accomplished a food distribution in the slums of India. Food supplies were provided to 70 families; enough to last for approximately three weeks. Supplies included rice, lentils, flour, cooking oil and tea. As a tradition, treats were also provided to the children living in this community. The community selected for the distribution has families who struggle to generate enough income to be able to eat three meals a day. When H4ZP first visited, we found entire families searching through piles of trash to find recycle material for sale to be able to survive. We found children as young as five years of age working instead of getting an education we all deserve. Hands 4 Zero Poverty is proud to connect with donors to support communities as such.
This distribution was in honor of Mrs. Annasurya Raju, a woman who believed that no one should left with an empty stomach. At Hands 4 Zero Poverty we share this believe. Malnutrition contributes to poverty, it inhibits people from performing simple tasks. Join us in our quest to help others.