In loving memory of Annasurya Raju (grandmother), on December 28 Pranish and Rani Naidu supported the distribution of food, blankets, beanies and treats to a community living in extreme poverty. One hundred families benefited from this amazing cause. The community selected have families living with about a dollar a day. For these families having food supply for several days or weeks is simply not possible. Pranish and Rani Naidu also provided funds to a local adoption center for the purchase of beds for the children.
At Hands 4 Zero Poverty (H4ZP) we are proud to be able to organize/manage Pranish and Rani's wish to help those in need. Our goal has always been to provide health, education and empowerment to people with limited resources. The support provided Pranish and Rani keeps our goal alive and strong. We hope Annasurya's Project will inspire more people to join the cause of helping others. Imagine if everyone in the world did something for someone in need? We will have a much better world.
To view additional photos of the event please visit H4ZP Google Photos