Our mission is simple. (No fancy words, complicated concepts, algorithms, mathematical equations, hypotheses, you name it.) It is—simply—the fundamentals of building a house. It starts with a foundation, then building solid pillars to hold a roof to last forever.

Yes, we know you are probably thinking, well, how? Fair question! Let us break it down, starting by defining our mission.

(We hope you are not, yet, looking as confused as these kids at one of our of food camps.)

OUR mission

We want to provide people with the tools to achieve a better living standard. Simply put, give people a push to get out of the poverty cycle.


It goes back to our analogy of building a house. For us, giving people the energy, the encouragement, the tools to get out of poverty is—1) providing them with health support, 2) providing them with education, and 3) empowerment.


Health. How can someone operate at their fullest capacity without proper health? Can you imagine trying to accomplish a complex physical and mental task while weak or sick?

Education. Education is power. It gives us the ability to make better decisions. It allows us to analyze situations and make "educated" decisions. 

Empowerment. We can have the best health in the world and the best education, but if we do not believe in ourselves and in our potential, we are nothing.  

You are probably thinking, "you said your mission was simple." Hum! Yea, no, it is not. But, if we can provide health, education, and empowerment, we've got our best chance to push, encourage, and stimulate people to strive and gain a better standard of living. And this will create a ripple effect. And this circles back—again—to our fundamentals of building a house, which defines us, our brand, Hands 4 Zero Poverty.

Our three pillars, the three dots to connect for success


One graphic, one representation of our journey!