We spend a lot of time in the slums supporting health, education, nutrition, etc. We have made a tradition to provide children in these communities treats when possible. We have learned that giving treats to the communities we work with has given us a tremendous opportunity to win their friendship and trust throughout our journey. Establishing a strong relationship with the communities we support is vital to the success of our projects. To be effective, we need to earn their friendship and trust; we need to integrate; we need to be part of their community. More importantly, giving treats to children, putting a smile on their faces surprisedly has helped us deliver the message that we are there not to change them but to help them. Providing treats to children, given them a moment of joy, has also given us at Hands 4 Zero Poverty (H4ZP) an opportunity to unwind. An opportunity to set aside the feelings and frustration that come when exposed to the reality of poverty around the world. We invite you to visit the sites listed below to learn about some of the treat distributions we have accomplished.
The cost for treat distribution is generally between $75 to $100 for approximately 75 children. If you would like to sponsor or participate in a treat distribution event, please contact us at info@h4zp.org or by using the link the web form provided at the end of the . We guarantee it will be a fantastic experience. Putting a smile on a child’s face is truly a priceless experience.