Do you think you can "really" solve poverty issues in India or worldwide?
Answer: of course not. But if we can pull one person or a family out of poverty or give them the tools to do so, that would mean gold to us; and this can be achieved. And—if we can create a movement where people get together to help others (helping and leading them to a better standard of living), it would mean the universe to us.
Are you a bunch of minorities from the U.S. with money trying to pretend you are helping the world?
Answer: no, we are not. H4ZP is anyone who wants to join, regardless of background or country we live in. The majority of our supporters, in fact, are not minorities from the U.S.
In summary, we are your regular day-to-day women and men who care for others and want to help. We want our hard work to create a positive—long-lasting—impact on someone's life. If you do not believe us, come join us on a future campaign. We promise you will enjoy it.