Melinda, Mike
Greetings from India. I wanted to take the opportunity to give you an update on two of the projects we have completed since my arrival in India. The first was a food distribution in the slums. This campaign supported a community of 75 families. With your support, we provided food supplies to last for approximately two to three weeks. Supplies included flour, lentils, rice, cooking oil, salt, sugar, etc. After the distribution, we were able to spend time with a few families in the area. It is always shocking to see or experience their living conditions however; it is very rewarding to have the opportunity to learn their stories.
The second was a medical camp. We brought one local Doctor and three Nurses to the slums. The initial plan was to go from house to house to treat people requiring medical assistance. Due to medical equipment and the medicines required, our mobility was limited. We set up the medical camp at one of the edges of the slum and hire two locals to inform its residents about the camp. One hundred and sixty-five people came to the camp and were all checked by the local Doctor, assisted by the Nurses. I am happy to share with you a success story during this camp.
During the camp, a mother brought her three-year-old son who had severe burn skin. His sister (five-year-old) inadvertently kicked a pot with boiling water, some of which landed on his skin. The child had only received basic wound cleaning, inadequate to the level of the burn sustained. Thanks to donations we were able to transport the child to a local prestige private hospital. The donations helped cover the cost of his medical treatment. The child must come to the hospital every day for the next 14 days. The Doctor prescribed antibiotics and painkillers. Below I am sharing photos (click to enlarge if needed) of his condition at the camp and his condition after the treatment. We will ensure his mother commits to take time out of her day to take the child to the hospital. Sometimes the challenge is to obtain commitment from the parent to complete the recovery process of their child/children.
Our next project will be focused on promoting education. I will share with you the outcome when available.
Food Camp