South Rebel Production (SRP) and Hands 4 Zero Poverty (H4ZP) teamed up and entered the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation contest to develop global poverty awareness. Stage one of the contest required teams to create an inspirational video regarding their interest and goal of supporting communities in need worldwide. The top 50 most inspirational videos are selected to participate in the second stage of the contest. The selected teams are given funding to produce a promotional video for an existing Non-governmental Organization (NGO) of their choice. A donation of $100,000 is given to the selected NGOs of the top three promotional videos. 

SRP & H4ZP were among the 50 teams selected to participate in the second stage of the contest. SRP & H4ZP chose the International Rescue Committee (IRC) as their supporting NGO due to their fantastic work in Syria. Unfortunately, the promotional video was not among the top three lasting contenders; however, it was an outstanding experience. Doing what we can to help communities in need has always been our goal.

This page was created to share the video SRP & H4ZP produced to promote the Internal Rescue Committee work worldwide. Special thanks to everyone who volunteered to make this project possible. 

the SRP & H4ZP Final Video for the IRC

This video is a campaign to promote the International Rescue Committee, an organization committed to support refuges worldwide. This video features artists, DJs, Skateboarders, Actors, Singers, etc; joined to provide a message seeking for people to get involved with this amazing cause. This video also features the welcome of Syrian refuges resettle in Seattle, Washington.

Video Production Summary Video:

King5 Evening Show Video: