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 We are people who want to make a difference in someone's life. Help change their standard of living.

We are people who do not want to continue seeing others living in unimaginable conditions, children not going to school, children as young as seven working to seven, people without access to quality free medical care; the list goes on.

We understand we cannot change the world, but big changes start with small changes; this is where we fit in.

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H4ZP History

The concept of Hands 4 Zero Poverty (H4ZP) initiated in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2013. At 11:00 PM, vendors folk, the streets of Bangkok to sell goods. An eighty-five-year woman, weak and with challenging medical conditions, left the comfort of her home to join the vendors. With a big smile, she served her customers, as she had done for many years. This time her charisma met with individuals who could not make a purchase and continue with their uneventful night. After the encounter, ideas started surfacing; ideas such as: how can help be brought to the places where it is needed the most. How can opportunities be created to provide people with the energy and strength required to get them out of poverty. With these thoughts, the concept of Hands 4 Zero Poverty took shape. 

Today Hands 4 Zero Poverty is a movement with the goal of eradicating poverty by supporting health, education, and the empowerment of people. H4ZP is entirely funded by donations and operated by devoted volunteers. Join the H4ZP team, a group of people committed to helping those in need.