Michal is a professional photographer from England who has devoted himself to travel the world to capture amazing photos. I invite you to visit his site (http://www.m1key.me) where you can see the photos from the places he has visited. His photos tell the story of the amazing people he has come in contact with. Michal is truly an inspiration for those who want to start a journey around the world.  

According to the World Bank, in 2012, an estimated 23.6% of the Indian population—about 276 million people—lived below $1.25 per day. India is projected to be the world's most populous country by 2022. Unfortunately, with this astonishing population growth comes an increase of families living below the poverty line.  This is not a sustainable solution to pull people out of poverty.

Hands 4 Zero Poverty hopes to create awareness about the poverty in India. We hope to inspire you to take action, whether to provide financial support or to get involved an any volunteering program focused on finding solutions to pull people out of poverty. We all deserve health, love, education and prosperity.

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